Course: Simple Strategies to Build 21st Century ...


Simple Strategies to Build 21st Century Learning

Video lesson

About the course: An Introduction

Science as we all know is a very vast and fascinating subject that integrates almost all spheres of our lives. Science is all around us, its in plants,. Animals, air, water, food, space and even inside our own bodies. Sometimes teaching such a vast subject can be very challenging, especially when it has to be meaningful for children.

Many a times we assume things while teaching children in classrooms. It is very important that we come down to a child’s level of understanding, without assuming anything that the child knows about it. When we assume that children already know about certain things and continue teaching, they find it very difficult to understand concepts and lose track of basic things on the way.

Over time, This makes Science a difficult and dreaded subject. It is very important that we help children find learning science meaningful and help them make connections between what they are learning and the world around them. When children make real world connections, learning becomes authentic, and wonder gets instilled. Learning also becomes enquiry based then. Oh that is why we need to learn this or what do you think will happen next? That becomes the driving question in an active classroom

It is well established that to match the needs of the 21st Century, we need to say goodbye to age old methods of rote learning and make our teaching

·         child centric,

·         real and

·         authentic

Now for this to happen, we need to make a paradigm shift in our curricular material as well as in the transactional methodologies that we use to teach curriculum in our classrooms.

I promise to help you transform your classrooms into active and engaging learning laboratories for your students. 

