Journaling: A Mega tool for a Teacher’s Self Care

The Reflections of a Teacher is a unique Journal that facilitates teacher empowerment in many ways:

  • Make a teacher competent to explore, reflect on and develop one’s own practice
  • This helps to identify, and check self-limiting beliefs
  • Once the teacher identifies self-limiting beliefs and barriers, positive affirmations help release them.
  • 21 exclusive Education focused quotes help to hold discussions and build intrinsic motivation in teachers
  • Build a growth mindset in teachers and help them look at their practices objectively and feel motivated to improve and grow.
  • Make teachers open minded and build self-directed and inclusive learning in classrooms


As an additional support, teachers who use “Reflections of a Teacher” can join the OTOS community for free and share ideas around

  • Practices for Self-Awareness
  • Mindful Vocabulary for positive communication with children



Why Self Development of Teachers is necessary?

Personal Growth and Well being of teachers has been identified as a huge gap area in Teacher Development and finds a mandate in  the formal document released by NCERT as Guidelines for Professional Development of Teachers post the NEP 2020 release. Some of the excerpts are quoted here

“The NEP 2020 also recommend (Para 5.15) that “Teachers will be given continuous opportunities for self-improvement “

The CPD Guidelines based on the NEP 2022, clearly states “ The conventional institutional arrangements for providing professional development to teachers have been somewhat rigid and structured. They did little in terms of helping the teacher think reflectively in terms of undertaking classroom inquiry, critical observation and reflective analysis of teaching practices. These aspects of reflective practice, crucial for the professional growth of a teacher were by and large missing from most of the INSET programmes. Therefore in most of the INSET Programmes it has been observed that teachers attended such programmes passively, as a routine ‘duty’ to be completed without much intrinsic motivation

The Reflections of a Teacher helps to learn and practice

  • mindfulness,
  • reflections,
  • journaling and
  • metacognition

This will eventually lead to building an ecosystem that thrives on meaningful, deeper and value based  inclusive classrooms.


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